
Internalizing and Externalizing Disorders in Alcohol Dependence Syndrome and its Clinical Correlates

Alcohol is a psychoactive substance with properties known to cause dependence. A cluster of physiological, behavioural, and cognitive manifestations where the use of alcohol takes a much higher priority for an individual is characteristic of dependence. Although, not everyone consuming alcohol is predisposed to developing dependence, it poses a significant problem to both the health care and the society due to the much larger number of people consuming it. The various neurobiological/psychodynamic mechanisms provide us with a useful means of primordial strategies to overcome the pathway to dependence. Thus, the morbid consequences of alcohol addiction/dependence can be prevented.

Author(s): Kailash Sureshkumar, Swapna Sukumar, Sabari Sridhar OT, Shabeeba Kailash and Srinivasan B

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